Recent Gladys Mitchell titles available
Below you will find information about recent Gladys Mitchell reprint and eBook titles. This list does not represent every publisher and Mitchell title currently in print; I encourage fans to check used bookstores and bibliographical resources.

Thomas & Mercer is a publishing division of and, and a handful of titles have been published in printed form. They have excelled at bringing eBook texts to their readers, so if you have a Kindle, you're in luck. U.S. readers can currently access nearly every Mrs. Bradley mystery (and most Timothy Herring tales) as an eBook file; U.K. readers can purchase more than 30 eBook titles through their site. link to the Gladys Mitchell Author Page link to the Gladys Mitchell Author Page

After an initial reprinting of six classic Mrs. Bradley titles, a representative from Vintage UK asked me for suggestions of books for future releases, and I was happy to oblige. Vintage now has 30 Mitchell titles available in paperback and eBook forms. Their latest titles are print-on-demand, and sport the burgundy jacket covers.
Link to the Vintage UK Gladys Mitchell Page

From 2005 to 2010, Mitchell fan Andrew Osmond brought the four rarest Mrs. Bradley titles back into print through Minnow Press: Brazen Tongue (reprinted 2005), Printer's Error (2007), The Worsted Viper (2009), and Hangman's Curfew (2010). The editions are now out-of-print and Minnow Press is no longer in business, but copies can still be found occasionally on used book sites and eBay.
No link available currently.

For years, American fan Tom Schantz used his modest imprint Rue Morgue Press to bring hard-to-find British and American mysteries to a new (and grateful) generation of readers. Due to health issues and the passing of Tom's wife Enid, Rue Morgue stopped its presses in early 2016, but not before publishing nine Gladys Mitchell titles, including classics like When Last I Died, Death at the Opera, and The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop.
Rue Morgue's webpage no longer exists, but I offer a link of fellow fan JJ's elegant tribute to Tom Schantz at his great site The Invisible Event.